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United Federation LEOS-PBA - MN Minnesota 
Court Security CSO Division

If you presently work at a court house as a court security officer you should immediately contact the United Federation LEOS-PBA-MN to find out how we can help you and your co-officers improve your wages, benefits and working conditions under a United Federation LEOS-PBA-MN union contract. 


What To Expect When Visiting a Courthouse 

The moment you enter the building that houses a Federal court, you become aware of the security measures in place.  Near the building entrance, or in Federal Buildings with multiple tenants near the entrance to the courtrooms, you will pass through a screening station.  This station is staffed by Court Security Officers (CSOs).  You can expect the CSOs to check the contents of your purse or briefcase by passing them through an X-ray machine.  You can also expect to be required to walk through some form of metal detection equipment.  Should you have prohibited items on your person or in the items you brought with you, they will be identified in this screening process.


Obviously, weapons are prohibited in any Federal court facility. This includes firearms of any type as well as knives.  In addition, photography and video or audio recording of court proceedings is not permitted, so don’t bring your camera or tape recorder into court.  Other items that would be disruptive to court proceedings are also banned.  This may include pagers and cell phones.  If you have any of these items with you upon entering a court facility, you may be refused admittance until you are able to remove these items from your possession.  Generally, the facility will not have storage space available, so you may be required to leave the court in order to store prohibited items at an off site location.  After you have cleared the screening station, you will be permitted to proceed to the courtroom to view the trial or hearing. 


Court Security Officer position requirements


Court Security Officers (CSOs) are recruited, hired, and employed by a private company awarded a security contract by the United States Marshals Service (USMS). 


You must contact the specific company or contractor to apply for employment.  To qualify for a CSO position, an individual must meet the following minimum qualifications:


Candidates must be U.S. citizens, be at least 21 years of age, and be able to fluently speak, read, and write the English language. 


CSO applicants must also be a graduate of a certified Federal, state, county or local law enforcement academy and have at least three years of law enforcement experience with general arrest authority.  


CSO applicants must successfully pass a background investigation and subsequent reinvestigations, as determined by the Federal government. 


To qualify, applicants must also successfully complete an approved firearms course with a U.S. Government issued weapon. 


To retain their eligibility, incumbents must complete the firearms course annually.


CSOs are also required to undergo and pass an initial medical examination and annual medical examinations. 

Court Security CSO Division |  Security Guard Union Minnesota | United Federation LEOS-PBA MN | Minnesota
Court Security CSO Division |  Security Guard Union Minnesota | United Federation LEOS-PBA MN | Minnesota
Court Security CSO Division |  Security Guard Union Minnesota | United Federation LEOS-PBA MN | Minnesota
Court Security CSO Division |  Security Guard Union Minnesota | United Federation LEOS-PBA MN | Minnesota






1717 Pennsylvania Ave NW, 10th Floor

Washington, D.C. 20006


Office / Fax: (202) 595-3510
Organizing: (800) 516-0094


UFSPSO: (914) 941-4103

Fax: (914) 941-44722


NUSPO: (202) 499-3956

Fax: (202) 499-3956


NUNSO: (815) 900-9944

Fax: (815) 900-9944


PSONU: (877) - 60-PSONU

FAX:  (877) -607-7668


FPSOA: (202)-595-3510

Fax: (202) 595-3510


UFK9H  (800) 516-0094





New York City Office

17 State Street, 40th Floor

New York, NY 10004


Long Island Office

220 Old Country Road #2

Mineola, NY 11501


Office / Fax: (212) 457-1010
Organizing: (800) 516-0094






Los Angeles Office

ARCO Tower 1055 West 7th Street, 33rd Floor (Penthouse) Los Angeles, CA 90017


Office / Fax: (213) 205-1855
Organizing: (800) 516-0094


Hawaii Guam Saipan 808-212-9831





Site Map

Lally & Misir LLP


The Nassau Building

220 Old Country Road #2

Mineola, NY 11501


Phone: (516) 741-2666

Fax: (516) 742-8533





1717 K Street N.W.  Suite 1120 

Washington DC 20006 



Phone: (202) 328-7222

Fax: (202) 328-7030 


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